Side Panel

You can add a revealable Side Panel on your Website with Additional Information about your Website. Simply use the Code below:

Note: Make sure that you add the Side Panel’s Code just after the #wrapper Starts.

Code Example

<div class="body-overlay"></div>

<div id="side-panel" class="dark">

	<div id="side-panel-trigger-close" class="side-panel-trigger"><a href="#"><i class="icon-line-cross"></i></a></div>

	<div class="side-panel-wrap">

		... Your Content



Side Panel Position

A Side Panel can be revealed from either Left or Right. The Side Panel is revealed from the Right by default. If you would like to change the Reveal Position of the Side Panel to Left, then you can simply add the .side-panel-left Class to the <body> Tag.

<body class="stretched side-panel-left">

Side Panel Reveal Style

The Side Panel’s Reveal style is Overlay by default. If you would like to change the Reveal Style of the Side Panel to Push, then you can simply add the .side-push-panel Class to the <body> Tag.

<body class="stretched side-push-panel">

Last Modified: June 2, 2020